{{ aspExample({ code: "<ul class=\"asp-grid\">
<li class=\"asp-grid__item asp-grid__item–large-one-half asp-card\">
<div class=\"asp-skeleton asp-skeleton–image\">
<source srcset=\"https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20200725104248/Crest-744×374.jpg.webp 1x, https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20200725104248/Crest-1488×748.jpg.webp 2x\" type=\"image/webp\">
<source srcset=\"https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20200725104248/Crest-744×374.jpg 1x, https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20200725104248/Crest-1488×748.jpg 2x\" type=\"image/jpeg\">
<img class=\"asp-skeleton__image\" src=\"https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20200725104248/Crest-744×374.jpg\" width=\"744\" height=\"372\" alt=\"Image of the police crest\">
<h3 class=\"asp-card__title\">
<a class=\"asp-card__title-link\" href=\"#\">Statement on disorder in Bristol</a>
<p class=\"asp-card__excerpt\">Fourteen people have so far been arrested and more arrests will follow in the coming days.</p>
<div class=\"asp-card__meta\">
<a class=\"asp-card__meta-link\" href=\"#\">Forcewide News</a>
<span class=\"asp-card__meta-date\">3 August 2024</span>
</ul>", nunjucks: "{{ aspCard({
rows: [
modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"],
href: \"#\",
title: \"Card 1 title\",
text: 'Card 1 text. modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"]',
image: {
src: \"https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20220302105928/PCs-web-recruitment-page\"
meta: {
href: \"#\",
category: \"Category\",
date: \"Date. j F Y\"
modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"],
href: \"#\",
title: \"Card 2 title\",
text: 'Card 1 text. modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"]',
meta: {
href: \"#\",
category: \"Category\",
date: \"3 August 2024\"
modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"],
href: \"#\",
title: \"Card 3 title\",
text: 'Card 1 text. modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"]',
meta: {
href: \"#\",
category: \"Category\",
date: \"3 August 2024\"
}) }}", title: "", id: "65a92b83efc16", url: "" }) }} {{ aspExample({ code: "<ul class=\"asp-grid\">
<li class=\"asp-grid__item asp-grid__item–medium-one-half asp-grid__item–large-one-third asp-card\">
<div class=\"asp-skeleton asp-skeleton–image\">
<source srcset=\"https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20220302105928/PCs-web-recruitment-page-744×374.jpg.webp 1x, https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20220302105928/PCs-web-recruitment-page-1488×748.jpg.webp 2x\" type=\"image/webp\">
<source srcset=\"https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20220302105928/PCs-web-recruitment-page-744×374.jpg 1x, https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20220302105928/PCs-web-recruitment-page-1488×748.jpg 2x\" type=\"image/jpeg\">
<img class=\"asp-skeleton__image\" src=\"https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20220302105928/PCs-web-recruitment-page-744×374.jpg\" width=\"744\" height=\"372\" alt=\"\" loading=\"lazy\">
<h3 class=\"asp-card__title\">
<a class=\"asp-card__title-link\" href=\"#\">Police officer</a>
<p class=\"asp-card__excerpt\">Apply to become a police officer for the first time or re-join to serve and protect the communities of Avon and Somerset.</p>
</ul>", nunjucks: "{{ aspCard({
rows: [
modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"],
href: \"#\",
title: \"Card 1 title\",
image: {
src: \"https://media.aspolice.net/uploads/production/20220302105928/PCs-web-recruitment-page\"
modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"],
href: \"#\",
title: \"Card 2 title\"
modifier: [\"medium-one-third\"],
href: \"#\",
title: \"Card 3 title\"
}) }}", title: "", id: "66bb5e5b988d2", url: "" }) }}

WIP – Mention skeleton loading


What was known as a card component on the ‘frontend’ is now a signage component.
Previously known as a story component on the ‘citizen site’.

Status of development

The below criteria all need to be met for a component to be considered as fully developed for use within the ASP Digital Design System.

{{ aspTable({
head: [
{ text: 'Development criteria'},
{ text: 'Status'}
rows: [
cells: [
{ text: 'WCAG 2.2 compliant'},
{ html: '<span class="status">Not started</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'WCAG 2.1 compliant'},
{ html: '<span class="status status–green">Completed</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'HTML / Nunjucks version'},
{ html: '<span class="status status–green">Completed</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'Figma version'},
{ html: '<span class="status status">Not started</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'M365 versions'},
{ html: '<span class="status status">Not started</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'Documentation'},
{ html: '<span class="status status–yellow">In progress</span>'}
}) }}