{{ aspExample({ code: "", nunjucks: "{{ aspHelp({
targetElement: \".hint-example-1\",
name: \"Help\"
}) }}", json: "", title: "", example: "", id: "66a3a3d25d1a9" }) }}

Help with expanded content

{{ aspExample({ code: "", nunjucks: "{{ aspHelp({
targetElement: \".hint-example-1b\",
expanded: true,
name: \"Help\"
}) }}", json: "", title: "", example: "", id: "66e024995cf4f" }) }}

Help with close other content

{{ aspExample({ code: "", nunjucks: "{{ aspHelp({
targetElement: \"#hint-example-2\",
closeElements: [\".hint-example-1\", \".hint-example-2\"],
aria: \"Hint\"
}) }}", json: "", title: "", example: "", id: "66e024995d2c5" }) }}

WIP – Tied in with JS toggle functionality (This is hardcoded HTML like the cookie banner)

Non JS if the content isn’t hidden it should show

{{ aspTable({
head: [
{ text: 'Development criteria'},
{ text: 'Status'}
rows: [
cells: [
{ text: 'WCAG 2.2 compliant'},
{ html: '<span class="status">Not started</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'WCAG 2.1 compliant'},
{ html: '<span class="status status–green">Completed</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'HTML / Nunjucks version'},
{ html: '<span class="status status–green">Completed</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'Figma version'},
{ html: '<span class="status status">Not started</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'M365 versions'},
{ html: '<span class="status status">Not started</span>'}
cells: [
{ text: 'Documentation'},
{ html: '<span class="status status–yellow">In progress</span>'}
}) }}