For this audit, we ran through the following process:

Collecting Colours

To find all the Material Design colours, a search for material design variables (using “$md-“) was carried out in all scss files within the Frontend repo.

With that list of Material Design variables, a JavaScript array was created with the Material Design variable name and hex value.

A second JavaScript array of was made of available colours, including:

All Open Colour colour variables (using “$oc-” for the search term):

ASP brand colour variables (using “$asp-” for the search term):


If a specific component should be following another component’s colour scheme (e.g. the alert component uses the colours from the asp-notification component), where that was the only reference to a specific Material Design colour.

Then, that colour was dropped from the list of Material Design colours to be replaced.

As part of continuous improvement a component’s colour scheme (e.g. alert) may be reviewed at a later date.

As part of this process; rgba colours were noted.

Digital comparison function for nearest colour

Each used Material Design colour was entered into a JavaScript function to find the nearest colour, against the array of available colours.

Visual comparison chart for the nearest colour

As an extra stage, a chart was created to show the Material Design colour against the proposed colour, and. allow a scrollable palette chart on the same screen. This allowed all available colours to be shown against the Material Design colour and proposed colour, in order to visually determine, if a closer solution was available.

The screenshot below shows:


Lightening (/darkening) for a nearer colour

During the visual and digital comparisons – if the colour matches weren’t close enough: The nearest or second nearest available colour, could be lightened or darkened to an increment of 5%, if necessary to an increment of 2.5% using the @sass:colour lightening functionality.

Preparation of proposed colours for UX designer review

After the process described above, a chart of colours was presented to a UX designer for review.

The screenshot below shows:



Consideration was given to:

In the example (below); the variable $asp-black has been modified and lightened.

Working within modifying colours by increments of 2.5%:

.scss variable naming convention

Taking the colour and the weight(/variant) from material design and using the same just prepending asp to the start, for example: