
Message system which sends out messages to users who have signed up for alerts eg Neighbourhood Policing, Farm Watch


{{ aspSummaryList({ rows: [{key: { html: 'Key features'}, value: { html: 'Ability to send messages via email, text or voice '} }, {key: { html: 'Key benefits'}, value: { html: '<ul> <li>Engagement with communities</li> <li>Keeping public informed</li> <li>Raising awareness of local issues</li> </ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Users'}, value: { html: '<ul> <li>Neighbourhood Watch Admin Coordinators</li><li>Farm Watch<li><li>Members of the public</li> </ul> '} }, {key: { html: 'Usage'}, value: { html: '<ul> <li>Total number of subscribers: 12,915</li><li>Number of messages sent out in August: 290 messages sent to 3,656 voice calls, 8,432 SMS and 48,185 emails</li> </ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Status'}, value: { html: 'Active – launched'} }, {key: { html: 'Technology'}, value: { html: '<ul><li>Umbraco</li><li>.Net Core</li></ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Hosting'}, value: { html: 'Azure'} }, {key: { html: 'Integrations or interdepencies'}, value: { html: '<ul><li>Qlik</li><li>Pinpoint</li><li>arcGIS</li><li>Notify</li></ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Interdepencies'}, value: { html: 'n/a'} }, {key: { html: 'Governance'}, value: { html: 'n/a'} }, {key: { html: 'Contact information'}, value: { html: 'Business Lead: Neighbourhood watch, Farm watch, Horse watchSallyanne Parry – Product OwnerChristian King – Dev Team lead'} } ] }) }}