
An online portal for solicitors to search for, and view custody records. The records pull directly from Niche.


{{ aspSummaryList({ rows: [{key: { html: 'Key features'}, value: { html: 'Solictors can self-serveEmails sent to OIC to remind them about returneesEmails sent to OICs Supervisors for awareness and accountability'} }, {key: { html: 'Key benefits'}, value: { html: 'Eliminates the need for Custody Sergeants to ring custody suitesEstimated saving of 160-200 hours of custody staff time per monthEnvironmental (and financial): ​ 8,000 to 10,000 pages of printing saved per month'} }, {key: { html: 'Users'}, value: { html: 'Solicitors who have a Criminal Justice System eMail (CJSM)'} }, {key: { html: 'Usage'}, value: { html: '2,000 log ins – last 30 days'} }, {key: { html: 'Status'}, value: { html: 'Active – launched 2020/21'} }, {key: { html: 'Technology'}, value: { html: '.Net Core C#'} }, {key: { html: 'Hosting'}, value: { html: 'Azure'} }, {key: { html: 'Integrations or interdepencies'}, value: { html: 'NicheFrontendPDF Generator'} }, {key: { html: 'Interdepencies'}, value: { html: 'n/a'} }, {key: { html: 'Governance'}, value: { html: 'TDA'} }, {key: { html: 'Contact information'}, value: { html: 'Business Lead: Colin AinsworthSallyanne Parry – Product OwnerChristian King – Dev Team lead'} } ] }) }}