
Online form system. Enables users to report crime, sign up for schemes, share info with us 


{{ aspSummaryList({ rows: [{key: { html: 'Key features'}, value: { html: '<ul> <li>Create forms without developer input</li> <li>Video and image uploads</li> <li>Online payments</li> <li>Automation of data transfer into Business Intelligence system</li><li>Push to Niche integration</li><li>Internal forms accessible off the force network</li></ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Key benefits'}, value: { html: '<ul><li>Quickly deploy web-based forms that integrate with internal systems.</li><li>Channel shift away from 101 calls.</li></ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Users'}, value: { html: 'Open to:<ul><li>General Public<li></ul>Different instances: <ul><li>ASC</li><li>OPCC</li><li>National</li><li>Pocketbook</li><li>Lighthouse Victim Care</li><li>SWROCU</li></ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Usage'}, value: { html: 'Total number of forms in production: 259Formation instances: 4 (Production, Pocketbook, OPCC, NPCC)Number of forms integrating with Niche: 18Total number of submissions in August: 16050Total number of submissions into Niche into August: 4912Total amount of revenue in August: £16993.48'} }, {key: { html: 'Status'}, value: { html: 'Active – launched 2017'} }, {key: { html: 'Technology'}, value: { html: '<ul> <li>Node.js</li><li>Encrypted NoSQL database</li></ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Hosting'}, value: { html: '<ul> <li>AWS</li><li>Azure</li></ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Integrations or interdepencies'}, value: { html: '<ul> <li>Frontend</li><li>Niche</li><li>QLIK</li><li>Velocity</li><li>Swann</li><li>Outlook</li><li>Active Directory</li><li>Pinpoint</li><li>PDF Generator</li></ul>'} }, {key: { html: 'Interdepencies'}, value: { html: 'Ideal Postcodes'} }, {key: { html: 'Governance'}, value: { html: 'n/a'} }, {key: { html: 'Contact information'}, value: { html: 'Business Lead: Enquiry Office, IAU, Comms + variousSallyanne Parry – Product OwnerChristian King – Dev Team lead'} } ] }) }}