
Website enables members of the public to report crime, join schemes, contact teams & view news articles. avonandsomerset.police.uk


{{ aspSummaryList({ rows: [{key: { html: 'Key features'}, value: { html: 'Online reporting Contact police station locations Overview of policing matters, crime types, and prevention adviceNewsNeighbourhood Poling Team (NPT) details and contactMisconducts Integrations with Police.ukDelegated content editors'} }, {key: { html: 'Key benefits'}, value: { html: 'Responsive to forces needs'} }, {key: { html: 'Users'}, value: { html: 'Open to: General PublicContent editors includes various teams across the force including Content Team, Corp Comms, Enquiry Office, FOI Team, Misconducts Team, NPT'} }, {key: { html: 'Usage'}, value: { html: '2.4 million users – 2022'} }, {key: { html: 'Status'}, value: { html: 'Active – redesign and new CMS launched Oct 2019'} }, {key: { html: 'Technology'}, value: { html: 'WordPressPHP '} }, {key: { html: 'Hosting'}, value: { html: 'AWS'} }, {key: { html: 'Integrations or interdepencies'}, value: { html: 'Police.ukPinpointarcGISQlikActive DirectoryFrontendIdeal Postcodes'} }, {key: { html: 'Interdepencies'}, value: { html: 'n/a'} }, {key: { html: 'Governance'}, value: { html: 'n/a'} }, {key: { html: 'Contact information'}, value: { html: 'Business lead: N/AChristian King – Dev Team lead'} } ] }) }}