
Triage tool


{{ aspSummaryList({ rows: [{key: { html: 'Key features'}, value: { html: 'Helps us triage online users to the correct form, ring 101 or 999, signpost to other organisations. Also used for employee facing forms'} }, {key: { html: 'Key benefits'}, value: { html: 'n/a'} }, {key: { html: 'Users'}, value: { html: 'Open to: General Public'} }, {key: { html: 'Usage'}, value: { html: '97,500 users – 2022'} }, {key: { html: 'Status'}, value: { html: 'Active'} }, {key: { html: 'Technology'}, value: { html: 'React'} }, {key: { html: 'Hosting'}, value: { html: 'AWS'} }, {key: { html: 'Integrations or interdepencies'}, value: { html: 'Frontend'} }, {key: { html: 'Interdepencies'}, value: { html: 'Formation'} }, {key: { html: 'Governance'}, value: { html: 'n/a'} }, {key: { html: 'Contact information'}, value: { html: 'Business Lead: N/AChristian King – Dev Team lead'} } ] }) }}